Ein Unternehmen der Tenth Revolution Group

Ihre aktuelle Jobsuche

68 Suchergebnisse

FĂźr Festanstellungen

Chef de projet informatique industrielle - Client final - Nancy

Nancy, France

  • €45,000 to €55,000 EUR
  • Project Manager Stelle
  • Fähigkeiten: Informatique industrielle, supervision, hypervision, objets connectĂŠs, Chef de projet, Iconics, IoT, Azure
  • Seniority: Mid-level


Nous recrutons aujourd'hui en CDI un Chef de projet Informatique Industrielle pour rejoindre en interne ce client final œuvrant dans un secteur porteur et reconnu pour son expertise dans ce domaine. A noter que cette entreprise, très portée sur l'humain, est prête à recruter un spécialiste en informatique industrielle n'ayant pas encore le titre de Chef de projet et souhaitant évoluer sur cette fonction. En intégrant cette structure vous rejoindrez une équipe dynamique où les collaborateurs ont à cœur de construire et d'avancer ensemble. Vous aurez notamment les responsabilités suivantes :

* Participer au dĂŠveloppement du nouveau service Informatique Industrielle
* Effectuer des ĂŠtudes relatives Ă  la digitalisation des installations
* Apporter une analyse fonctionnelle des cahiers des charges du process industriel
* Participer au choix de matĂŠriel, de logiciels et d'architecture rĂŠseau des installations
* Assurer la mise en place et le maintien en conditions opÊrationnelles des systèmes industriels automatisÊs
* Piloter et suivre les travaux confiĂŠs aux sous-traitants
* Veiller au respect des bonnes pratiques technologiques, des normes de sĂŠcuritĂŠ et obligations lĂŠgales.
* Piloter la rĂŠalisation des recettes techniques et fonctionnelles
* Être impliqué sur les problématiques de cybersécurité

Il s'agit d'une excellente opportunité d'occuper un poste à responsabilités au sein d'un groupe en pleine croissance œuvrant dans un secteur d'actualité et d'avenir. La personne recrutée aura un rôle clé de plaque tournante faisant le lien entre les directions métiers, la DSI et les prestataires externes. Des déplacements ponctuels en région Grand Est sont à prévoir. Du télétravail dans une proportion d'1 jour par semaine est possible.

L'environnement technique comprend notamment :

Hypervision / Supervision : Iconics, Topkapi, PCVue

Automates : SOFREL, Siemens, TREND, WIT, Rockwell

Protocoles : OPC-UA , BACnet, Modbus

IoT : Sigfox, Lora

Cloud : Azure

Systèmes : Windows

RĂŠseaux : LAN / WAN / 4G / fibre

Chef de projet D365 - Business Central - Full remote - CDI


  • €45,000 to €65,000 EUR
  • Project Manager Stelle
  • Fähigkeiten: Microsoft/365/Dynamics/CRM/Azure/Cloud/PowerPlatform/BI/director/headof/delivery/management/programdirector/finance/production/logistique/france
  • Seniority: Mid-level


Notre client, prĂŠsent en France & Ă  l'international, afin de prĂŠparer la rentrĂŠe, souhaite ĂŠtoffer son ĂŠquipe D365 Business central.

Au sein de la business Unit D365 Business central, en tant que chef de projet expĂŠrimentĂŠ, vous pilotez plusieurs projets en simultanĂŠ (France & International), pour le compte de diffĂŠrents clients.

* Vous rĂŠalisez le suivi quotidien des projets en animant les ressources qui vous sont affectĂŠes.

* Vous dĂŠfinissez et organisez les diffĂŠrentes instances de pilotage projet (rĂŠunion de lancement, comitĂŠ de pilotage) en mobilisant les acteurs nĂŠcessaires.

* Vous rĂŠalisez les opĂŠrations de planification et accompagnez l'ensemble des participants du projet dans la dĂŠfinition et la rĂŠalisation de leurs missions en respectant le budget et le dĂŠlai

* Vous contribuez Ă  l'accompagnement des ingĂŠnieurs commerciaux dans les phases avant-ventes du projet (Analyse cahier des charges, dĂŠmonstrations produits, chiffrages, soutenances)

Profil recherchĂŠ :

Vous justifiez d'une expérience réussie, d'au moins 6 ans, dans la gestion de projet et la mise en œuvre de la solution D365, Business Central autour de ses modules.

Votre expĂŠrience de chef de projet vous permet d'avoir les bons rĂŠflexes pour gĂŠrer les situations professionnelles dĂŠlicates et ainsi prendre les dĂŠcisions nĂŠcessaires Ă  la bonne rĂŠalisation des projets.

Vous savez apporter une solution aux problèmes identifiÊs dans un projet. AnimÊ(e) par l'Êchange, le partage et la rÊpartition des tâches des diffÊrents intervenants sur les projets, vous savez pour autant faire preuve d'une grande autonomie.

Vous animez et motivez votre ĂŠquipe de rĂŠponse comme tout bon chef de projet.

Vous savez dĂŠterminer la proposition de valeur de vos offres.

Vous ĂŞtes curieux et avez une appĂŠtence pour les technologies Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, DevOps, Power Platform etc.

RĂŠsolument orientĂŠ(e) rĂŠsultats, vous faites du client votre prioritĂŠ tout en maintenant un climat d'ĂŠchange et de partage avec l'ĂŠquipe projet.

Data Analyst / consultant BI Senior

Paris, France

  • €45,000 to €66,000 EUR
  • Project Manager Stelle
  • Fähigkeiten: Microsoft/365/Dynamics/CRM/Azure/Cloud/PowerPlatform/BI/director/headof/delivery/management/programdirector/finance/production/logistique/france
  • Seniority: Senior


Notre client, partenaire Microsoft Gold, s'efforce de dĂŠvelopper ses offres pour accompagner les entreprises dans leur transformation digitale et Ă  exploiter tout le potentiel de leurs donnĂŠes.

En tant que consultant BI mĂŠdior /Senior, vous serez responsable de fournir une expertise technique et fonctionnelle avancĂŠe.

Vous avez un rôle clé dans la conception, le développement et la mise en œuvre de solutions BI efficaces et innovantes, permettant aux entreprises de prendre des décisions stratégiques basées sur des données fiables.

Vos principales missions seront les suivantes :

Vous participerez aux diffĂŠrentes phases du projet, ĂŠtude prĂŠliminaire, conception et spĂŠcification d'un besoin, rĂŠalisation et tests de composants, livraison, correctifs, dans un cadre mĂŠthodologique agile.

* Conception et dÊveloppement : Concevoir et dÊvelopper des modèles de donnÊes, des entrepôts de donnÊes, des tableaux de bord interactifs, des rapports et des visualisations en utilisant les outils et les technologies BI appropriÊs. Assurer la qualitÊ, la performance et la convivialitÊ des solutions proposÊes.

* IntĂŠgration des donnĂŠes : Collecter, nettoyer, transformer et intĂŠgrer des donnĂŠes provenant de diffĂŠrentes sources en utilisant des outils ETL afin de garantir l'intĂŠgritĂŠ des donnĂŠes et la cohĂŠrence des informations fournies.

* Analyse et interprÊtation : Extraire des informations significatives à partir des donnÊes collectÊes et fournir des analyses approfondies aux clients. Identifier les tendances, les modèles et les anomalies, et formuler des recommandations pour soutenir la prise de dÊcision.

* Formation et support : Fournir une formation aux utilisateurs finaux sur les outils et les fonctionnalitÊs de la BI, ainsi qu'un support technique continu pour rÊsoudre les problèmes et rÊpondre aux demandes des clients.

Vous participerez Ă  la veille technologique sur la Data, partagerez et transmettrez vos connaissances plus largement au sein d'une communautĂŠ Data.

Qui ĂŞtes-vous ?

De formation Bac+4/5 en informatique (Ecole d'ingénieur ou université), vous possédez une expérience professionnelle réussie d'au moins 6 ans dans le domaine de la BI, avec une expérience démontrée dans la conception, le développement et la mise en œuvre de solutions BI (modélisation de données, langage de requêtes, ETL, Base de données).

Votre niveau en anglais vous permet de communiquer aisĂŠment dans un contexte international.

Une connaissance approfondie des Cloud Publics majeurs ( Azur, GCP, AWS…) est un plus appréciable.

Vous ĂŞtes bon communicant, orientĂŠ client, bon esprit d'analyse, esprit d'ĂŠquipe, pĂŠdagogue, sens de l'organisation et fortes capacitĂŠs d'adaptations.

Les plus :

* IntĂŠgrer des projets dans un contexte agile Ă  envergure nationale/internationale
* Rejoindre un groupe Ă  la pointe des innovations technologiques & partenaire Microsoft Gold historique.
* BÊnÊficier d'un accompagnement de carrière personnalisÊ
* Participer Ă  des communautĂŠs techniques, des afterworks, des meet ups...
* Se former, ĂŞtre accompagnĂŠ(e) et ĂŠvoluer sur des projets long terme
* Evolution de poste : chef de projet, tech lead, team lead, responsable.
* TĂŠlĂŠtravail possible jusqu'Ă  50% du temps de travail
* Ambiance et cadre de travail agrĂŠable

Responsable Data Microsoft - Client final

Paris, France

  • €60,000 to €67,000 EUR
  • Project Manager Stelle
  • Fähigkeiten: BusinessIntelligence/MS/BI/SSIS/SSAS/SSRS/cube/SQLServer/DATABASE/DATA/chefdeprojet/Azure/cloud/powerplateforme/datalake/Azurefactory
  • Seniority: Mid-level


Au sein de la Direction Data, en tant que responsable Solutions Data - BI, vous est en charge du pilotage de diffĂŠrents projets Data.

En collaboration avec les ĂŠquipes technique de dĂŠveloppement, que vous encadrez dans une logique de projet ou dans le cadre du run de ces outils.

Vos missions :

- Contribution aux phases d'ĂŠtude et cadrage des projets, sous la coordination du Directeur Data, et en lien avec les autres contributeurs.

- Vous êtes garant du delivery du projet : adéquation de la solution aux besoins métiers, méthodologie/qualité, planning, budget, gouvernance…

- Piloter l'ĂŠquipe projet, interne et externe, sur les aspects DSI et mĂŠtiers.
o Assurer la communication avec les mĂŠtiers.
o Animer la comitologie projet et les comitĂŠs plus rĂŠcurrents (cycle de vie des applications).
o Gestion des ĂŠvolutions : animation des comitĂŠs key-users, suivi du backlog, gestion des prioritĂŠs en relation avec son manager, rĂŠdaction des spĂŠcifications ou user stories, suivi des dĂŠveloppements, gestion des tests, animation des recettes utilisateurs, gestion / coordination des mises en production, pilotage et prĂŠparation de la communication mĂŠtiers.
o Élaboration et suivi / animation du planning projet et du budget alloué
o Suivi et pilotage du budget, respect du budget allouĂŠ.
o Coordonner les phases de démarrage projet (plan de démarrage, reprises de données, mise en production, conduite du changement…).
o Point de contact privilÊgiÊ du PMO pour le reporting liÊ au pÊrimètre dont il a la charge.

En tant que rÊfÊrent technique, il intervient dans le cadre des projets et des Êvolutions produits dès lors que des briques BI sont impactÊes, en tant que contributeur clÊ.

Garant du bon maintien en conditions opĂŠrationnelles des applicatifs : interfaces, traitements, en escalade de l'ĂŠquipe Exploitation et en lien si nĂŠcessaire avec le rĂŠfĂŠrent Interfaces de la Direction Data.

Dans le cadre des projets ou ĂŠvolution sur des outils applicatifs, en lien avec le Chef de Projet ou le Responsable Produit, il pilote les ĂŠquipes de dĂŠveloppement en charges des aspects BI (MS BI et Power BI)

Production et maintient Ă  jour les cartographies BI.

ResponsabilitÊ du respect des procÊdures dÊfinies au sein de la Direction Data et de la DSI de façon gÊnÊrale.

Gestion de la relation fournisseurs / Êditeurs / intÊgrateurs des outils de son pÊrimètre, dans le cadre de la gestion du cycle de vie Produits.

De formation IngĂŠnieur, vous disposez d'une expĂŠrience significative en gestion de projet BI et en pilotage d'ĂŠquipes projets. Vous maĂŽtrisez les best practices de la gestion de projet en mĂŠthodologie Agile (Scrum...).

Vous disposez de compĂŠtences SQL et en moteurs de bases de donnĂŠes de type Microsoft SQL SERVER ou Oracle.

Vous maĂŽtrisez les concepts de modĂŠlisation dĂŠcisionnelle (datawarehouse, datamart), la solution dĂŠcisionnelle Microsoft BI (SSIS, SSRS et SSAS) et Power BI.

Vous avez un bon relationnel, bon niveau d'anglais, force de proposition, Ă  l'ĂŠcoute.

Project Manager (Microsoft Dynamics F&O)

Walloon Region, Belgium

  • €4,800 to €5,500 EUR
  • Project Manager Stelle
  • Fähigkeiten: Agile, Waterfall, Scrum, Microsoft Dynamics 365 F&O Implementation, Stakeholder Management, Risk Assessment and Mitigation, Budget Management, Resource Allocation, Cross-Functional Team Collaboration, Communication
  • Seniority: Senior


We are searching for an experienced and proactive Project Manager specialised in F&O Microsoft Dynamics projects to lead our team in delivering solutions.

Key Responsibilities:

Lead end-to-end project management for Microsoft Dynamics 365 F&O implementations, ensuring timely and within-budget delivery.

Collaborate with cross-functional teams, including developers, consultants, and stakeholders, to define project scope, goals, and deliverables.

Conduct comprehensive risk assessments and develop effective mitigation strategies to ensure project success.

Facilitate effective communication and coordination between internal teams and clients, providing regular updates and progress reports.

Ensure adherence to project timelines, quality standards, and best practices in line with Microsoft Dynamics F&O guidelines.


Proven experience in managing complex Microsoft Dynamics 365 F&O implementation projects.

Strong knowledge of project management methodologies, such as Agile and Waterfall, and the ability to apply them effectively.

Exceptional communication, negotiation, and stakeholder management skills.

Proficiency in resource allocation, budget management, and risk assessment within the context of F&O projects.

Ability to motivate and lead teams to achieve project goals, fostering a collaborative and productive work environment.


Project Management Methodologies: Agile, Waterfall, Scrum

Microsoft Dynamics 365 F&O Implementation

Stakeholder Management

Risk Assessment and Mitigation

Budget Management

Resource Allocation

Cross-Functional Team Collaboration

Communication and Interpersonal Skills

Quality Assurance and Best Practices

Leadership and Team Motivation

Change Management

Problem-solving and Decision-making

Time Management and Prioritisation

Client Relationship Management

Business Analysis

Why Join?

Opportunity to spearhead transformative projects and make a tangible impact in the world of digital transformation.

Access to cutting-edge technology and resources to enhance your skills and expertise.

Competitive compensation package with attractive benefits and ample opportunities for career growth.

Software Project Manager

London, England

  • ÂŁ65,000 to ÂŁ65,000 GBP
  • Project Manager Stelle
  • Seniority: Mid-level


A large global travel organisation are looking for an enthusiastic Project Manager with experience delivering technical software projects to join their growing team, and support their various brands and technical teams in delivering exceptional solutions.

They are based in Central London and have a hybrid working model - in this role you will spend 2 days per week in the office, and can spend the remaining time working from home.

You will be joining their growing Technology Department, working in an Agile environment to manage and deliver highly technical software projects across a complex architecture, so you must be comfortable working with ambiguity and have a self-starter mentality!

You will have the opportunity to lead on the delivery of really innovative and interesting projects, seeing them through from inception to completion. This might include projects relating to various applications, systems and websites, and will often invovle managing multiple projects at any one time.

You'll be fully accountable for project delivery - right from driving the definition of project scope and non-functional requirements; systems integration requirements where appropriate; the implementation of the solution in the business and associated business change; and transition to support. Stakeholders will include internal business & IT teams , and also third party development and software vendors where appropriate.

This role would be ideally suited to an experienced Project Manager who has led on technical projects in an Agile environment, and who has exceptional communication skills, as managing the expectations of global stakeholders will form a key part of this role!


* Significant experience as a Project Manager in an Agile environment
* A track-record of delivering technical software projects across complex architecture
* A keen interest in technology
* Excellent stakeholder management skills including Business, IT and third Party Vendors


* Salary of up to ÂŁ65,0000 depending on experience
* 25 days annual leave plus bank holidays
* Excellent flexible working options
* Access to private healthcare
* Industry-related discounts
* Lots of social events

Please Note: This is a permanent role for UK residents only. This role does not offer Sponsorship. You must have the right to work in the UK with no restrictions. Some of our roles may be subject to successful background checks including a DBS and Credit Check.

Nigel Frank are the go-to recruiter for Power BI and Azure Data Platform roles in the UK, offering more opportunities across the country than any other. We're the proud sponsor and supporter of SQLBits, Power Platform World Tour, the London Power BI User Group, Newcastle Power BI User Group and Newcastle Data Platform and Cloud User Group. To find out more and speak confidentially about your job search or hiring needs, please contact me directly at v.simpson@nigelfrank.com

Technology Project Manager - Travel Industry

London, England

  • ÂŁ65,000 to ÂŁ65,000 GBP
  • Project Manager Stelle
  • Seniority: Mid-level


A large global travel organisation are looking for an enthusiastic Project Manager with experience delivering technical software projects to join their growing team, and support their various brands and technical teams in delivering exceptional solutions.

They are based in Central London and have a hybrid working model - in this role you will spend 2 days per week in the office, and can spend the remaining time working from home.

You will be joining their growing Technology Department, working in an Agile environment to manage and deliver highly technical software projects across a complex architecture, so you must be comfortable working with ambiguity and have a self-starter mentality!

You will have the opportunity to lead on the delivery of really innovative and interesting projects, seeing them through from inception to completion. This might include projects relating to various applications, systems and websites, and will often invovle managing multiple projects at any one time.

You'll be fully accountable for project delivery - right from driving the definition of project scope and non-functional requirements; systems integration requirements where appropriate; the implementation of the solution in the business and associated business change; and transition to support. Stakeholders will include internal business & IT teams , and also third party development and software vendors where appropriate.

This role would be ideally suited to an experienced Project Manager who has led on technical projects in an Agile environment, and who has exceptional communication skills, as managing the expectations of global stakeholders will form a key part of this role!


* Significant experience as a Project Manager in an Agile environment
* A track-record of delivering technical software projects across complex architecture
* A keen interest in technology
* Excellent stakeholder management skills including Business, IT and third Party Vendors


* Salary of up to ÂŁ65,0000 depending on experience
* 25 days annual leave plus bank holidays
* Excellent flexible working options
* Access to private healthcare
* Industry-related discounts
* Lots of social events

Please Note: This is a permanent role for UK residents only. This role does not offer Sponsorship. You must have the right to work in the UK with no restrictions. Some of our roles may be subject to successful background checks including a DBS and Credit Check.

Nigel Frank are the go-to recruiter for Power BI and Azure Data Platform roles in the UK, offering more opportunities across the country than any other. We're the proud sponsor and supporter of SQLBits, Power Platform World Tour, the London Power BI User Group, Newcastle Power BI User Group and Newcastle Data Platform and Cloud User Group. To find out more and speak confidentially about your job search or hiring needs, please contact me directly at v.simpson@nigelfrank.com

Technical Software Project Manager - Agile

London, England

  • ÂŁ65,000 to ÂŁ65,000 GBP
  • Project Manager Stelle
  • Seniority: Mid-level


A large global travel organisation are looking for an enthusiastic Project Manager with experience delivering technical software projects to join their growing team, and support their various brands and technical teams in delivering exceptional solutions.

They are based in Central London and have a hybrid working model - in this role you will spend 2 days per week in the office, and can spend the remaining time working from home.

You will be joining their growing Technology Department, working in an Agile environment to manage and deliver highly technical software projects across a complex architecture, so you must be comfortable working with ambiguity and have a self-starter mentality!

You will have the opportunity to lead on the delivery of really innovative and interesting projects, seeing them through from inception to completion. This might include projects relating to various applications, systems and websites, and will often invovle managing multiple projects at any one time.

You'll be fully accountable for project delivery - right from driving the definition of project scope and non-functional requirements; systems integration requirements where appropriate; the implementation of the solution in the business and associated business change; and transition to support. Stakeholders will include internal business & IT teams , and also third party development and software vendors where appropriate.

This role would be ideally suited to an experienced Project Manager who has led on technical projects in an Agile environment, and who has exceptional communication skills, as managing the expectations of global stakeholders will form a key part of this role!


* Significant experience as a Project Manager in an Agile environment
* A track-record of delivering technical software projects across complex architecture
* A keen interest in technology
* Excellent stakeholder management skills including Business, IT and third Party Vendors


* Salary of up to ÂŁ65,0000 depending on experience
* 25 days annual leave plus bank holidays
* Excellent flexible working options
* Access to private healthcare
* Industry-related discounts
* Lots of social events

Please Note: This is a permanent role for UK residents only. This role does not offer Sponsorship. You must have the right to work in the UK with no restrictions. Some of our roles may be subject to successful background checks including a DBS and Credit Check.

Nigel Frank are the go-to recruiter for Power BI and Azure Data Platform roles in the UK, offering more opportunities across the country than any other. We're the proud sponsor and supporter of SQLBits, Power Platform World Tour, the London Power BI User Group, Newcastle Power BI User Group and Newcastle Data Platform and Cloud User Group. To find out more and speak confidentially about your job search or hiring needs, please contact me directly at v.simpson@nigelfrank.com

IT Project Manager (Power Platform)

City of London, England

  • Up to ÂŁ70,000 GBP
  • Project Manager Stelle
  • Fähigkeiten: Project Manager, Agile, IT Project Manager, Power Platform, Power Apps, Consultant, Budget Management, Prince2
  • Seniority: Mid-level


IT Project Manager (Power Platform) - MS Gold Partner

Power Platform projects - Up to ÂŁ70k

This is a great opportunity to join a established MS Gold Partner consultancy who specialise in delivering Power Platform solutions for their customers. As a business they support some well established companies with digital transformation projects and are experiencing an increased demand for their services.

They have 12+ on ongoing projects for Power Platform, and have a great technical team of developers and consultants working on these already. However they really require a experienced Project Manager to take a lead on managing these projects, and ensuring full project delivery to a professional standard.

Essential Skills:

* Well experienced in managing IT projects
* Basic technical understanding of core Microsoft services and offerings such as M365 / Power Platform / Azure
* Excellent knowledge of project management methodologies (Agile and/or PRINCE2 qualified), tools (Microsoft Project), and techniques.
* Knowledge of software development life cycle, and able to collaborate with developers on projects

Not essential but nice to have:

* Experience managing projects whilst working for a consultancy
* Experience in the Public Sector
* Microsoft Certifications / Project Management certifications

Click 'apply now' or get in touch with Joe Bigsby on (0)203 826 6747or j.bigsby@nigelfrank.com and I will be happy to discuss the role including any benefits in more detail. Please note the client is moving quickly and I will be shortlisting candidates over the next few days.

Nigel Frank International is the global leader in Microsoft Recruitment. We are unparalleled in our ability to match skilled Modern Workplace professionals with exciting, challenging roles all across the UK and abroad due to many clients trusting us exclusively with filling their vacancies. We deal with both Microsoft Partners and End Users throughout the UK and Europe and we have never had more live requirements jobs for Modern Workplace professionals. Please see www.nigelfrank.com for more fantastic Modern Workplace opportunities. Nigel Frank International Ltd is acting as an Employment Agency in relation to this vacancy.