Overcoming your business challenges with Microsoft Azure

By Nicola Wright

Practical business continuity advice from cloud experts to help you thrive, whatever the circumstances.

With almost 50 pages of insights, advice, and best practices from industry professionals, our Overcoming your business challenges with Microsoft Azure whitepaper is the ultimate guide to optimizing your business with Azure.
Fill in the form below and we’ll send your free copy of the white paper straight to your inbox.

“For industries that are struggling, I highly recomment looking at the cloud services that Microsoft is offering right now. For example, enterprises can get Office 365 E1 free for six months.”

Charbel Nemnom, Cloud Architect, ICT Security Expert and Microsoft MVP

“For industries that are struggling, I highly recomment looking at the cloud services that Microsoft is offering right now. For example, enterprises can get Office 365 E1 free for six months.”

Charbel Nemnom, Cloud Architect, ICT Security Expert and Microsoft MVP

Actionable advice from cloud experts on:

Business continuity


Data security

Remote working

Growing at scale

Actionable advice from cloud experts on:

Business continuity


Data security

Remote working

Growing at scale

“I believe this is now a key moment for digitalization. It doesn’t matter really in which industry—manufacturing, health care, or even the small shops in your street—all of them should be starting and using technology to support their business beyond just infromation workers.”

Thomas Maurer, Senior Cloud Advocate at Microsoft

“Good security is a combinationm of education and using technology to achieve this goal. Having a form of device management to ensure basic things such as updated software, security functionality of the platform, disk encryption already goes a long way.”

Jaap Brasser, Developer Advocate at Rubrik

“I believe this is now a key moment for digitalization. It doesn’t matter really in which industry—manufacturing, health care, or even the small shops in your street—all of them should be starting and using technology to support their business beyond just infromation workers.”

Thomas Maurer, Senior Cloud Advocate at Microsoft

“Good security is a combinationm of education and using technology to achieve this goal. Having a form of device management to ensure basic things such as updated software, security functionality of the platform, disk encryption already goes a long way.”

Jaap Brasser, Developer Advocate at Rubrik

Optimizing resources, cutting costs, upgrading your infrastructure:

You’ll find these things on almost every organization’s to-do list. But often, planning for tomorrow gets put on the back burner while you deal with business-as-usual today.

What we’re experiencing right now is not business-as-usual.

The way businesses operate, how we deliver our products and services, and the day-to-day lives of our workforce have changed dramatically in a short timeframe..

These unprecedented circumstances have forced the hand of many businesses and transformed those “nice to do” future tasks into immediate necessities.

If you’ve found yourself having to enable remote working, adopt new digital services, or take your business processes online practically overnight, you’re not alone.

tilizing the cloud can help you get the right infrastructure in place quickly, keep costs down, and secure your priceless business data. In this whitepaper, cloud experts share their advice, tips, and best practices for getting started with cloud infrastructure, optimizing your operations, and maximizing your cloud investment.

“Surges in demand present both an opportunity and also an issue for many companies, especially if their staff are now working from home but haven’t done so regularly before. Companies must be very careful to balance the workload they now find themselves enjoying with the wellbeing of their staff.”

Pete Gallagher, Freelance IT Consultant, Microsoft Azure MVP, and owner of PJG Creations

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